What we do is more than music

We set up Folkestone First Timers with the objective of encouraging people who have always wanted to play a musical instrument or perform in a band. We wanted it to be as inclusive as possible so it had to meet strict criteria :-

  • Accessible to those on low incomes

  • Open to all irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, visible or non-visible disabilities

  • No previous musical experience or ‘aptitude’ required - its about enjoying music not about being ‘good’.

  • Supportive environment to encourage participants to continue with music and if they want to challenge themselves by performing with others or live in front of an audience.

That was in February 2023 and what we didn’t know then was it became more than just music.

Music, a sense of community and good social networks are incredibly important to our well-being, keeping our brains active, developing new skills and having good mental health. Since our launch we have found that Folkestone First Timers is not just about music it is about

  • Bringing people together

  • Creating a shared connection

  • Bridging the perceived gap between musicians and ordinary people

  • Developing social connections and new friends through music

  • Connecting communities that previously were separated

  • Giving people a reason to find a sense of community after the pandemic.

What we stand for

Folkestone First Timers CIC is a Community Interest Company where all income and funds raised are invested back into the community.

This is a company for you the community and your company has some very simple rules :-

  1. All money raised is used to benefit the community in promoting community, learning & playing music and helping people improve their well-being through music.

  2. We are open to all irrespective of age, gender, financial status, visible/non visible disabilites or musical ‘ability’.

  3. We will use local businesses wherever possible and our target is a minimum of 90% of all funds will be spent locally.

  4. All business and people who run workshops or work for us will be paid in recognition of their skills & talents.

  5. No payments to shareholders (we have none) or directors (except where they run workshops etc).